1. Hello, ABC! Euler angles A, B, and C are essential in KUKA KRL language. This introduction explains and compares three models of orientation: fixed angles, Euler angles (ABC), and the 3-point method. A typical KRL file starts with $TOOL=TOOL_DATA[1] $BASE=BASE_DATA[1] PTP XHOME PTP {X 280, Y 0, Z -10, A 30, B 90, C 0} … […]
JavaKUKA is an open-source project for creating KRL (KUKA Robot Language) codes in Java. The first program drives the robot to cut polystyrene foam. Step 1: create the tool path in java: float[][] spline = new float[num_pts][]; for (int i = 0; i < num_pts; i++) { float theta = (float) (i * 7 * Math.PI) […]